New Jersey’s #1 Metal Roofing Installer

For homeowners looking to go solar in New Jersey, there is now a better option than the bulky, unattractive glass panels of the past; introducing: Thin Film Solar, built into Metal Roofing! Thin Film Solar panels work in all 3 UV light spectrums, and because of this, they are able to produce electricity earlier in the day and later in the evening.
Thin Film Solar panels are flexible, lightweight, and have better performance at actual operating temperatures, under lower light intensities, and even when damaged (unlikely due to the durability of the PV Laminate)!
However, designing these systems takes experience in both metal roofing as well as solar and electrical engineering. Thin film panels come in pre-made lengths of 18 Feet, 16.5 Feet and 8.5 Feet with a width of 16 inches specifically for standing seam roofs.