New Jersey’s #1 Metal Roofing Installer

A: Not cool metal roofing! Our standing seam metal roofs are Energy Star rated because they have IR pigments that reflect sunlight and will actually keep your home cooler by up to 30% during the summer.
A: Metal roofs are slightly better in the winter because they create an air barrier of cool condensed air that traps hot air during the winter.
A: It’s a fact all roofs need to breathe and standing metal roofs are no different. Metal ridge vents are installed with wire mesh frames to keep birds and bats out of your attic while letting fresh air in.
A: This is the biggest misconception there is. Yes, metal roofs cost more up front but over time they always cost less because they last 2-3 times as long as asphalt shingles. In addition, the price of asphalt shingles keep rising, with the price of petroleum, making metal more affordable every day!
A: No, lighting is attracted to the highest point in a given area, typically a tree. However, if a metal roof is struck by lightning it outperforms a shingle roof because it dissipates the charge and is non-combustible so your roof won’t catch on fire!
A: No, metal roofs typically have underlayments, plywood, airspace, attic space, and insulation compared to the old tin roofs that were installed over rafters. In addition, the kynar coating which gives metal roofing a 35-year color warranty and energy star savings deadens the sound so you will not even be able to tell the difference